Annotated bibliography of Disney reference books
Sociological books about Disney

Bell, Elizabeth; Haas, Lynda; Sells, Laura: From Mouse to Mermaid published by Indiana University Press; 1995.
Hopefully the last sociological book about Disney. Hopefully only, unfortunately.

Bryman, Alan: Disney and his Worlds published by Routledge; 1995.
It looks as if Routledge has decided to publish all of the sterile analyses about Walt. Only the cover photo is nice to look at.

Dilts, Robert: Mozart et Disney, Strat�gies du G�nie published by La M�ridienne/Descl�e de Brouwer; 1996.
A very strange and relatively sterile book that tries to analyze the keys of Mozart and Disney's geniuses. Written in French.

Dorfman, Ariel; Mattelart, Armand: How to read Donald Duck published by International General; 1975.
Did you know that Donald served colonialist and imperialistic purposes ? On a second level study, this book is funny.

Fjellman, Stephen M.: Vinyl Leaves published by Westview; 1992.
A strange and in depth study of Walt Disney World's urban architecture.

Kuenz, Jane; Klugman, Karen; Waldrep, Shelton; Willis, Susan: Inside the Mouse published by Duke University Press; 1995.
One of those books that try to analyze the Walt Disney Company in a very theoretical way and without real purpose. Neither the philosophical, nor the sociological point of view are of real interest.

Smoodin, Eric (editor): Disney Discourse published by Routledge; 1994.
Again, this is an empty analysis of the Disney phenomena. Only for completists.

Smoodin, Eric: Animating Culture published by Rutgers University Press; 1993.
Not the worst of those sociological books that flourished about Disney in the early and mid '90s.

Watts, Steven: The Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney and the American Way of Life published by Houghton-Miflin; 1998.
According to Persistence of Vision: "The book offers an extraordinarily interesting and uncommonly insightful look as to what made Walt Disney what he was. (...) It’s great to finally have the academic study of Walt Disney that he has deserved for so long, and yet not have to suffer through any of the intellectual psycho-babble that seems to be so predominant in these studies. Furthermore, the scholarly approach and research involved is phenomenal. (...) Highly recommended."  To my taste, this is probably the greatest, most thorough book ever written about Walt and the studio. A "must-have".

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Last updated April 11, 1998.